Friday, August 7, 2009

YES! Our Leaders are Ordinary People

The report this slow morning is a good one. Air Canada lost the Premier of Ontario’s bags on his way to the Annual Conference on the Federation held in Regina this year. Not only his bags, but the bags of Premiers of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick… and probably others like journalists and others on the same aircraft.

A bad electrical storm along the way caused it to happen states the report from the airline.

I say it is a “good one” in that I feel better after having lost my baggage on different trips on the airlines. To have my Premier go through the same thing is only fitting. He is a normal person in my mind – not an elitist that does his own thing on separate aircraft.

Today it points to another fact that few of the people I know consider – the politicians of our country are very normal people – just like you and me. They face the same issues that we do in their daily living.

When I travel I check in with my wife along the way – if we are parted by the trip. If we are together we check in with our kids back home to let them know we are okay.

When I was younger and with a younger family I always checked in with my wife back home with our girls to see how it was going. And to tell them I was okay… which was a huge relief for the family at home.

On one trip to the west part of Canada when my daughters were very young… there was a big problem. The aircraft that I was on had a tire blow out just as we were taking off. The nose of the aircraft was pointing skyward and the jets were charging ahead full blast… there was no way we were going to stop… when the big BANG took place!

When we arrived over Manitoba it was announced that we were stopping in Winnipeg for an unscheduled stop – due to the problem that we had encountered on the take off. At that stage of the announcement no one in the cockpit knew for sure what we were facing yet.

That delayed my arrival at the airport where my daughters were waiting to see their Daddy arrive.

The girls were little and one cried, “Daddy doesn’t love me any more.” And that was just because the airplane didn’t arrive.

Two little girls didn’t understand big business and travel and all that stuff.

Some of our Premiers have young families. Not only do they carry the weight of their Provincial Offices on their shoulders and the responsibilities of all of it on their person – they have families that love and care for them.

Our Government Leaders are real people.

In Ontario I pray for my leaders – every day – by name. If you haven’t known about that ‘other side of me’ here it is – I do a small (and I think) important ministry(voluntarily) entitled “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy”. Part of this ministry is to publish the names and information about our Leaders each day on a Blog entitled “Pray for Leaders Today”. You can check it out at

For years I have heard people in our community complain about the way that our government does certain things. In fact some complain about everything that the Government Leaders do things.

Instead of complaining I chose to support each of them in any way that I can. In my case as an Ordained Minister I can serve as a ‘Chaplain’ – a person on call when needed. It takes a little time each morning – but every minute is worth it.

I support my leaders and will pray for each of them.

So today when the report arrived at my computer that luggage was lost by an airline… I knew these folk – at least one of them – because I had prayed for him many times.

I know that some may not be terribly interested in what I just stated. But my deeply seated belief is that if our Government is Blessed it will do a good job… and when they do a good job – my business and all that I do will be Blessed. And YES – I believe in God that offers great Blessing whoever asks him to do so.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


1 comment:

  1. I didn't read about this story as I was at the lake this week. Glad to see you sticking with it! Loved the article on Tatting too.
