Monday, August 31, 2009

The Problem with Ranting - Hey Politicians and Handlers are you listening?

I received another email trying to solicit my support. It was from the Progressive Conservative Party. I will include the content at the end of this posting to let you see some of my frustration.

I think many fellow Canadians are frustrated too. We are sick of negative stuff all the time.

Here is my Letter to Doug Finley of the PC party. He is the National Campaign Director for these folk.

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Dear Doug Finley and your fellow Planners and Supporters of the Conservative Party..

Doug you may be the greatest thing to the PC Party - since sliced bread. I am sure that you have earned the right to write emails... and get the public's attention.

I like our local MP - Dean Del Mastro... he has done a good job. He is positive... and has shown positive initiatives... and speaks positive all the time.

The last four or so emails from your PC office and the other PC fund raising offices of the PC - have gone on and on about Michael I. - as if you think that I and others need to fear him or an election... These messages have the most negative tones possible... and scared skinny feelings.

Why are you frightened if you have the good stuff? I believe that you do... and so do others. SO STOP TRYING TO SELL US SOMETHING BY PUTTING THE OTHER ONE DOWN!

If anything will turn off a listening audience it is this constant M.I. is bad. M.I. is in bed with other bad guys. Michael this - Michael that....So no one in "our party" will read this email anyway... why should I bother sending it?!!!!!?

I truly believe that someone will eventually hear some of us idiots in the populace that actually think.

Betsy McGregor(Liberal) is running locally. Nothing turned me off more than her ranting and double ranting on my front porch one day - about what an idiot Dean D was. If I had not been leaning toward PC at that point I would definitely after she stopped by for her RANT. But just before she could listen to what I was about to say... her handler on the sidewalk pulled her string and she obediently followed him... THAT IS A LEADER? BULL!

Dean got my vote locally because he is not a RANTOR. Betsy will RANT again... I have no doubt.

But if both possible parties that I could vote for... start to RANT and RANT and RANT - who the heck will I vote for? The NDP was built on RANTS and PUT DOWNS. Liberals and their lot constantly RANT. Why does the PC have to sink to that level? The GREEN people rant about GREEN - until it turns people off too.

The one final level is to decide to NOT VOTE... like millions of others have. And it is an alternative. I would rather NOT VOTE than support any RANTING POLITICIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT DOES THE PC PARTY STAND FOR...? Make that your CORE of further letters. When what you think is not what I think - you will not get my vote. But how can anyone vote for you when all you do is tell us what the other Guys think? Do you see the PROBLEM YET?

SOME OF US IDIOTS out in the community still think... really we do.

YES - Dean Del Mastro is getting a copy of this email.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Doug Finley’s email to supporters…

Canadian Press is reporting that the Liberals are preparing to launch a multi-million dollar advertising campaign after Labour Day. The campaign could lay the foundation for the unwanted and unnecessary Fall election that Michael Ignatieff keeps threatening; an election he would force with his Coalition partners, the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP; an election that would hurt Canada's economic recovery at a critical time.

We're not surprised by this development. The Liberals must do something to shore up Michael Ignatieff's declining personal numbers in advance of an election. Over the past few months, Ignatieff's post-leadership convention momentum has been reversed. Our polling shows that Canadians agree with us that Michael Ignatieff is just visiting. And Ignatieff is now a clear drag on Liberal party support.

We anticipate the coming Liberal ad campaign will attempt to fix the three big problems Ignatieff has with voters:

Ignatieff problem #1: Voters do not believe that Michael Ignatieff has along-term commitment to the country he seeks to lead. Expect to see Michael Ignatieff talking about his love of country and surrounded by patriotic images. Unfortunately for Ignatieff, he's on the record calling America his "country" and the Canadian flag a "pale imitation of a beer label" and he endorsed - in writing - the Liberals' coalition agreement with the Bloc Quebecois, a party committed to the break-up of Canada.

Problem #2: Voters believe that Ignatieff is an arrogant elitist who can't relate to ordinary people. Expect to see Michael Ignatieff interacting with Canadians of all ages, from all walks of life and from various cultural backgrounds. Unfortunately for Ignatieff he's on the record describing himself as everything from "horribly arrogant" to "cosmopolitan" to some sort of intellectual "samurai warrior" who belongs to an "academic tribe".

Problem #3: Voters don't have a clue where Ignatieff stands on the big issues of the day, particularly the economy. Expect to see Michael Ignatieff attempt to raise Canadians' personal fears about the global recession without committing to any specific, detailed or costed policy ideas. Unfortunately for Ignatieff he's on the record calling himself a "tax and spend" Liberal who has admitted that he "will have to raise taxes" and is currently pushing an EI spending scheme economists have labeled as being catastrophic for the Canadian economy.

I have no doubt that the Liberals will go the wall with this campaign. They are desperate to re-gain power. And they will do anything to win. This is, after all, the party that created and issued the shameful "soldiers in the streets" ad; the party that signed a Coalition agreement with the Bloc Quebecois. We all know that Michael Ignatieff is back in Canada for one reason only - to become Prime Minister - and he doesn't want to waste any more time on the Opposition benches.

As National Campaign Director, I can assure you that we are ready for the Liberal ad campaign. We will not let an arrogant, tax-and-spend Liberal pull the wool over the eyes of Canadians.

I would ask that you - as a proud Canadian - join me in helping the Conservative Party fight back against the coming Liberal ad campaign. Would you please consider making a special, one-time donation to our Fight Back Fund - $50, $100, $250 whatever you can afford - so we can respond to the coming Liberal campaign while working hard as a Government on Canada's economic recovery.

Sincerely, Doug Finley
National Campaign Director

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