Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care When I Need It

A month or so go a Canadian woman appeared on American TV as part of a promotion to shoot down a better/different health care system being talked about in the USA. Her claim was that she had to go to the USA to get better health care and be able to get it when she wanted it.

What a bunch of baloney! She simply wanted it when she wanted it! She was unwilling to wait for anything. And the worst part is that the political agenda picks up only what they want to pick up and tell only one side of the story.

This Blog has many American Readers. If anything there is a need for a more balanced approach to what is said and reported.

Last week the groups that opposed President Obama’s approach to health care reform. The pictured him as a tyrant that was pushing his agenda and was likened to Hitler.

What a crock! Though I am related to many Americans and have relatives that are deeply affected by the non-system that exists now… I understand the fear. But what a crock – fear mongering at its best.

I lived in the era of CCF in Saskatchewan – the Socialist way of thinking and doing things. I lived just doors down from where Premier Tommy Douglas lived – the promoter and politician that groomed the Medical Care that entire country of Canada eventually adopted. I was at the heart of where it all started.

I am now at the heart of all of receiving end of what is available now. We have one of the best Health Care Systems in the world – where everyone is welcome and everyone gets care. When I am sitting in the emergency room waiting for my turn, I get care as soon as the bed and the doctor is available. The poor and socially challenged person sitting next to me that has no job and very little future – gets care as well – the same as I do. We are equal and we all need help.

Now if I don’t like sitting beside someone that is really poor – knowing that they might get into the Doctor sooner than I do – I simply need to get over it. He or she matters as much as I DO.

Now should I lose my job or the company that I work for gets shafted with a really greedy CEO – I will not lose my ability to sit in a hospital and get health care that I need.

In Canada we are now seeing some new American threats – new ideas that are positively scary. The American based companies are taking away any offer for Health Care Packages in the Union’s deals. You are required to take it or leave it. Extra medical stuff is taken away. When you need bigger and better pills that the rich system gets – you will not get it… you have to suffer with the no name brand… and sometimes pay for the extra.

Things are changing in all parts of our company.

In many ways Canada needs to fear the American System from approaching our borders and crossing over. My American Cousins need not fear what we offer. We need to have our border guards up and watching. The problem is that you cannot stop ideas… they pass easily with little push.

I care for my American Cousins. I care for the people that sit in the waiting room beside me. I care for my own health as well.

But why shouldn’t every person be given good care? Why can’t each person be given the help they need? No one has yet been able to give me a reason that will stand any kind of moral scrutiny – why they should be first and matter more.

I come into this debate with some radical Canadians that think they are better than others as well. But most are just one pay check away from nothingness too.

Yes we need a better system – yes I will work to see it happen. Yes I will make more noise too.

Come one people – grow up.

And Yes – one of my American Cousins was Abe Lincoln. So my roots go deep and so does my thinking!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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