Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yep – I gotta go fishing

I am pretty sure the feeling that I am experiencing at this moment is that of a need to go fishing. Yep that’s it a “Need for Fishing”.

It is better than other things that may come along offering to help me feel better.

LCBO – the Ontario Liquor Store – offers me unbelievable things from their bottles. The Chapters Bookstore offers me books that will make my summer better. The Seven Eleven Store has a huge slushy that is suppose to do wonders.

But there is nothing like fishing… nothing at all. That special moment when something big below the water surface gulps down the worm that I have secured to the hook on my line… then with a mighty first pull tries to keep my worm… the fight is on. Oh Yah… I can feel a fishing trip coming on – very soon.

Alida and I need the pleasure of letting our canoe slide into the water and then the moments that come as we glide over lily pads and through silent coves and still bays.

Add that pleasure to the tug of a fishing line and well… you will have a hard time with any advertisement enticing me to a product that I do not need.

Yep – I gotta go fishing….

So if I don’t show up at something you are at in the near future… you will know where I am…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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