Friday, July 10, 2009

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…. How stupid can one bit of non-information be?

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…. How stupid can one bit of non-information be?

What am I referring to? Well on this day in History, July 10, 2009 at 4:30 AM, will go down that “The Star” newspaper – and Susan Delacourt reported on the developing story that Prime Minister Stephen Harper received a Communion Wafer from a Catholic Priest and didn’t eat it! Good Gracious and All Things Political – CAN YOU IMAGINE ANYTHING SO OUTRAGIOUS TO REPORT ON….

I am utterly astounded that Susan – dear Susan was given this unbelievable task of writing something so… well… STUPID!?!?!

And if you get a chance to read it she makes reference to a Great Developing Bard – Rick Mercer, the Canadian that makes his money at poking fun of EVERYTHING.

If you haven’t heard or looked at the video that was posted on YouTube… the Prime Minister received a Communion Wafer and didn’t put it in his mouth immediately… like eat it immediately… and Rick Mercer (and others) suggested that he put it in his pocket along with his gum… supposedly old gum… which Rick mercer must have done at some point in his life to be able to suggest the idea.

Reference to the fact that Harper is a Protestant – not Catholic – had received the Wafer – at a Catholic Funeral where Wafers are given out as part of the Body of Christ.

What if he had not received the Wafer? What if he had made a big deal out of the piece of cracker and shook his head… “Sorry Mr. Priest… I don’t do Catholic Bread…” and the priest stood there staring at him until he took it? That would have made for more jokes and more YouTube posting FOR SURE!

Every Communion has two parts… the Communion Wafer and the Cup… so Dear Mister Mercer – what did he do with that part… or was he only partly blessed? Hey Susan… did you forget that part of the story? Did he put that in his sock?

But the biggest and funniest stretch is Ricky(or Susan) connecting the dots and making the $400,000 fiasco of giving to the Gay Pride Parade in Toronto… and a Catholic Communion Wafer…in the same story. Ricky – you are something else! So are you Susan.

The section of Susan’s article that deals with this area…
“But in the case of the Pride financing, Mercer believes the joke's on us – either in the media or in the audience.

It's a classic case of sending two messages, Mercer thinks – first giving the money to gay activists and then, in a rare act of tolerating outspoken MPs, also conveying the message that Conservatives didn't like giving the $400,000.

"He's managed to have his cake and eat it too," Mercer says of Harper. "He's managed to give them the money and act like he didn't give them the money."

Nanos isn't so sure that Conservatives should be comfortable with how that story played out. Not only has this week hurt the Tories among their core voters, but their seeming embarrassment on the gay pride issue might also limit their growth potential among moderate voters, especially in Quebec.”
End quote…

They think that Moderate Voters might turn on the Conservatives with “the $400,000 Gay Thingie” and the “Wafer in the pocket thingie”.


Maybe that should be applied to the decision to give really silly adults that parade their stuff up and down a public street in front of as many TV Cameras as possible to try to fortify their gayness? Imagine the persons that had to give $400,000 of My Canadian Dollars to that group? Now that is STUPID!

Giving Notice Now...
I am planning a really offensive rally with a Parade next year… it should be planned and ready just a week before the Gay Pride Parade day… It is for Conservative Christians of all faith groups and denominations. We are going to walk the streets of every city in Canada… singing songs and hymns that we sing in church and wave banners… our Ministers will be fully clothed and so will our people that join in… our Preachers will stand on the top of the Floats that are in our parade – preaching the Word of God – all avoiding the texts that say anything or might even refer in the smallest way to a GAY person… and they will tell the whole story… Telling how God loves you know matter what you do or say. How God loves you whether you put a Communion Wafer in your pocket or not… whether you are whatever in your sexual orientation…

We should get at least $400,000 for our exhibition of God and his Glory – don’t you think?

You don’t think so…? How about $200,000? Maybe $1000? Maybe $50?

You are shaking your head…? Why? You mean that our Ministers would have to preach naked? No way? And the Choir behind him or her... singing… Naked too? No way!?

Sheesh… am I ever glad that I am retired.

And you say what…? We would have to give out Catholic Communion Wafers along the parade route…? But what if Ricky Mercer is watching and YouTubes us doing that…?

Won’t we be afraid of the Moderate Voters in Quebec?

Now I pull my tongue out of my cheek and listen closely to the host of Westerners – that is... west of Ottawa and they are shouting with a really loud voice… what is that? Say it again? You what… what’s that you say…

It is not a Shout of protest… it is an INVITATION to come and try that nonsense in Northern Ontario….in Manitoba… and Saskatchewan… and Alberta… during mosquito season… ?

A naked or nearly naked Gay Pride Parade while swatting blood thirsty mosquitoes – would be really funny. Full grown people half dressed and moving rapidly to the stinging little beast of rural Canada…. Now that is worth a Ricky Mercer notation… and IT AINT SEXY… it is FUNNY!

As to eating the Wafer thingie… well you might mangle it before you eat it…. you swat the mosquitoes… and then you would have some priest somewhere in rural Canada demanding to know why you did what you did…

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid….

~ Murray Lincoln ~


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