Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson After Death Experience

* * * WARNING * * *
If you have a headache or are already depressed – DO NOT READ THIS!
* *
I have been following the Michael Jackson after death experience that the whole world will be caught into shortly.

This could be a “Thriller” to say the least.

Now it is not that we can follow Michael Jackson into his after life… it is what is going to happen now that he is dead. What will take place of all his assets? What is happening to his children? What about the Neverland property – shrine or no shrine – i.e. another Graceland?

But he is not even buried yet… and because he was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness… and they do not do funerals the way other people do them…
“Jackson was raised a Jehovah's Witness, who are forbidden from following funeral customs that are not mentioned in the Bible.”
End quote

And it appears that MJ wasn’t one of the 144,000… but that is another story… so will they commit his soul to wonder throughout the universe that endless night stuff…?(Sorry that is a whole other Blog needed to explain what happens to not so good JWs when they die. See at the end of this posting..)

So celebrity funerals are not allowed by JWs unless of course that Michael Jackson was a king… but I don’t think so…

And who will be the minister that they choose? What will he say? Will it be televised?

The developing story has all the possibility of the greatest one yet.

His care for his possible but not expected death… was almost as complicated and changing from what they have found out so far.

So far there are his parents/mother and two lawyers squaring up.

His mother Katherine of course will be involved looking after the needs of his kids. She is 79 years old – but has a lawyer as well. His dad Joe is advising through the same lawyer. In the event that MJ’s mother is not able to look after his kids, MJ’s long time friend Diana Ross – who is 65 years old now (17 days older than me).

Now I am not sure about Diana – but I think at 65 years of age she is not likely to be able to deal with MJ’s kiddies moving in with her – let alone look after the nightmare of looking after their welfare now that their famous daddy is dead.

MJ is worth millions some think. I mean all famous people that live lavish lives must be worth millions – right?

In MJ’s case there is a problem that came about just before he died. It is a very big and very expensive problem for the folk dealing with this whole issue.

The problem is a $85 Million problem. Jeryll S. Cohen is quoted as saying…
Jeryll S. Cohen, an attorney for the named executors, said it was "essential" that Branca and McClain get control so they could begin negotiations with AEG Live, the promoter of the 50 London concerts Jackson was rehearsing for at the time of his death."There are $85 million of tickets out there," Cohen said. She said discussions "need to be entered into immediately with AEG to mitigate the loss from the decedent's death and nonperformance."

It was something like the family finding out that the loved one that just passed away had gone a very big shopping trip and mortgaged the farm before dieing.

Some one will have to pay… big time

Now add to that Lawyer’s Fees… sorry kids you may have to live with Auntie Diana Ross.

So What?...
How does that affect any of us? We certainly are not famous.

Well it does have an example for many of us. We are the same in many ways.

The first thing is – not one of us knows when we will die. It could happen in the next five minutes after reading this Blog. The ticker could stop – just like… THAT! A blood vessel could pop in your brain – just like… THAT! (sorry – but go back to that WARNING at the beginning…)

The second thing is that… many people I have met and know very well – did not have and do not have a clear Will to help their family decided what to do. It didn’t seem important enough to take the time because they were not expecting to die… so soon… or at that time.

Or worse yet… they refused to get the Will thing done in that by avoiding it they didn’t have to think about what was coming. It was easier to let someone else work it out.

No doubt that MJ’s life was more complicated than yours or mine is… but why would any of us leave the ones that we love to have to deal with these issues after we die. I mean our death though not expected right away – will catch every one by surprise – including us.

Why not be ready?

Like… I am really trying to clean up my garage and get the messes cleaned up and ready…. Alida doesn’t need the mess that is there now to deal with then… nor do my kids. Maybe I can make sure that they are not going to need two big orange dumpsters – one will do.

I am sorry…
Sorry if this gives you a worse headache today than the one that you woke up with. I apologize if it makes you more depressed than you were from yesterday.

BUT… MAYBE… if we looked after some of this stuff before we get close to the last heart beat – we would not be feeling so rotten now when we have to try to think about it. Does that make sense to you?

I know there will be a “Murray Lincoln After Life Experience” in days to come. I hope that it is better for my family than MJ’s.

Gotta run… more garage to clean… more stuff to sort out… and a few more trips to Value Village…. Not to buy – but to give away.

~ Murray Lincoln ~


About JWs… too bad Michael… oops…
They endeavor to remain separate from secular society, which is regarded as a place of moral contamination and under the control of Satan the Devil, refusing any political and military activity and limiting social contact with non-Witnesses. Members practice a strict moral code, forbidding adultery, premarital sex and homosexuality. Drug abuse, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol are prohibited, as are blood transfusions. Discipline within congregations is maintained by a system of judicial committees, which have the power to expel members who breach organizational rules and demand their shunning by other Witnesses. The threat of shunning also serves to deter other members from dissident behavior.

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