Wow! There is a new term I haven’t heard before… Internet 'traffic shaping'!
Have you noticed that certain times of the day – or maybe no particular time of the day – your internet connection slows right down… to perhaps even a crawl?
Have you ever cussed at your computer and wondered if you have picked up another virus or worm?
Have you waited for a long, long time – and wondered if you are back to old days with a dial up situation – even when you are connected to a higher speed connection?
And maybe… just maybe you are still on Dial Up connection and at times wonder if you have stopped entirely – and something is really wrong with the connection.
Well almost all of the above have happened to me over the last year… even the dial up when there is no wireless connection.
I have credited it to the slowness of a very full computer… that may just be acting up with the heating problem that is common in a lap top. But – even the Desk Top Computers were doing the same for some people.
Bell Telephone practices a nasty little sideline of messing people up… people that are connected to the Internet using their telephone lines (the hard ware) via another Internet Service Provider.
In my case I buy local – by getting my ISP from Nexicom in Millbrook, Ontario. The Nexicom company goes back in time to early telephone days – at least 100 years ago.
Nexicom buys its “air time” through and from Bell… using the telephone lines that Bell uses as well.
We should all be happy… right?
Nope – t’aint so…! Bell doesn’t like what takes place and adds misery to any one dealing with them… by “traffic shapping”… or purposely slowing the stream of data down… or limiting the amount of information that can pass the gate at one time.
In an article from the Globe and Mail – Matt Hartley states…
“CAIP — an industry group consisting of independent Internet service providers (ISPs) — complained to the CRTC in April that Bell was slowing certain traffic on the network space it was leasing to them.
Bell contends that it needs to manage or "shape" certain types of Internet traffic to ensure that a relatively small number of users employing peer-to-peer downloading programs that consume large amounts of bandwidth aren't bogging down the network for regular users.”
I can guarantee that it is happening in the Peterborough/Millbrook area. I can see it taking place before my very monitor’s eyes!
I am not a “Big Downloader” of Music and TV – etc. I just do 8 Track Tapes which has nothing to do with Bell. I do it in my garage – all alone – without Bell snooping over my shoulder.
But I do like the fact that the internet through Nexicom is provided local by people that I know… and Bell isn’t.
I was a long time Bell User for 11 years. But with retirement and the new realities of “fixed incomes” a lesser price was very important to our family. Adding to the normal telephone costs per month was a need for Internet Connection.
Retirement came… and so did the search for a better price.
Nexicom offered a much better package at a greatly reduced price – almost one half what Bell was charging per month – for the Telephone service and then Nexicom added the Internet. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what is cheaper and better.
Bell figured that out also and started messing with its customers… the ISP people and also little people like “me”.
In the Italian world – they call it Mafiosi – or Mafia. If we pay the money the big thugs will not hurt you – a protection service.
In Hong Kong it is called the Triad Gangs – they do the same as the Mafia – protect people. And if people do not pay the protection costs each month – they have visits from really nasty people that inflict damage on the business and the body.
YES the Mafia and Triad are REAL. So is Bell Telephone.
Two days ago I received a call from a friendly Bell Employee that was offering a great new package of services that he thought I might be interested in. He stated that he knew that I was no longer with Bell – had been once and perhaps I would like to look at their new presentation – with better pricing.
He enquired of my monthly costs and I shared with him a general amount. He restated that amount to make sure he had heard me correctly. He asked me again to make sure he heard me correctly… I heard him typing on his keyboard – likely doing a search for the ISP people that might offer such low rates…
In the middle of his going after me for more details… I thanked him for calling and wished him a real good day.
The fact that he was likely in India(or wherever) doing his little spiel was something that should be noted.
The fact that when I call the Nexicom people that I now deal with – in Millbrook and get a gal that asks me to hold. Or asks me for my number so one of their folk can get back to me about 15 minutes – impresses this Old Time Canadian. By Old Time – I mean – the kind that works hard for a dollar and believes in good service – and tips and returns when they are treated right!
Bell never treated me right – I could have bought a lot more equipment if I had not been paying the “protection money” to Bell for 10 years!!!!!
This Thursday the CRTC will be making a ruling of the rights of Bell to “shape traffic”.
A completely different direction…
It is all about communication after all. The greatest communication that I know is prayer.
Today I am so thankful that God has not placed a “shape traffic” order on my communication with him.
Maybe Bell could learn something from God… on receiving messages, listening, caring for its customers, loving its customers and serving its customers, and just being there….!
But Bell couldn’t do I am afraid… not for what God does it for. God offers it FREE – Bell has never known or ever understood FREE.
The more that I use a Bell Service – or my ISP – the more I have to pay… or get “shaped”.
The more I pray – the lower the costs… the better the deal.
Hey – you could pray for Bell this Thursday and for the ISP folk… and the prayer from me will be a little slanted one way as you may have guessed.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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