So on a potentially ‘Rain Day’ what is good to read about? The news that is reported is usually filled with all kinds of good starters. Take a look with me…
How about the story of the Robber in London, England that tried to steal products from the Mappins Jewelry Store. The store clerk told him “No” and told the man to leave. And he did…
One of my friends did that just around the corner from where I live… but he wouldn’t listen to the clerk – and now he is in jail again. Oh Boy!
Or how about the fight in a Vancouver night club at 2 AM. A 20 year old girl was stabbed in the ear and had her chest receive a bite… from a 25 year gal – armed with a potato peeler.
Then there is the one about the 35 year old man that was receiving a parking ticket on Portage Avenue in Winnipeg. He became irate and then bit the shoulder of the policeman that was writing the ticket. The reports said that the bite didn’t break the skin.
You have to leave Canada for the next one. It seems that lady in New Zealand tried get out of her charges of driving while intoxicated by calming that the Swine Flu had caused the problem. The judge wouldn’t buy the claim and she lost.
A Swedish couple takes the cake today for misguided tourists. While in Italy they were using a GPS gizmo to find their way to the Island of Capri. Instead of typing in Capri – they typed in Carpi – which then took them to a place 400 miles away from their original destination. Duh – that is like some where the distance between Regina and Winnipeg – or Toronto and Montreal. I guess Sweden is different than Italy….
One person that had spoken to about the lost couple asked the question – “Capri is an island, they did not even wonder why they didn’t cross any bridge or take any boat.”
On this ‘going to be wet day’… I am thinking the world is filled with some strange people that have many strange stories.
I was reading an article that quoted the Mayor of Venice saying that tourists should come to his city and throw away their maps – and SIMPLY GET LOST. Have you ever looked at an aerial map of Venice?
Today I am going fishing between rain clouds. I am going to sit and do nothing… for about 10 minutes… or more.
Tomorrow’s new headline will read… “Old geezer is retired and doing nothing…” Oh yah… Oh yah oh yah!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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