This morning I made the final decision for my next stage of life. It has taken about a week to complete the full decision – but now it is done! I feel better already.
I am going to apply for the position of Governor General of Canada. There it is in Black and White – I am confirmed and ready to move to Rideau Hall in Ottawa and begin my duties. If I am correct in my calculations that should be in 2010 or so.
The job lasts for 5 years. If I take it in 2010 I will be 66 years old and able to remain at the post until I am 71 years old. I should still have my wits about me by that time… and able to inspire the population that I will faithfully meet.
I know Canada well. I was born here. I grew up here. I love it here.
Now borrowing the present GG’s recent statement I submit the following…
“I am eagerly looking forward to meeting my fellow-Canadians very soon. I am convinced that Canada will continue to accomplish great things if we work together for a better quality of life – for our own population and for humanity. Our country is vast and it is blessed with a wealth of colours and the varied music of its tongues and accents. Many have not had the good fortune of measuring its full extent. I know how privileged I am. And knowing it makes me impatient and eager to meet you and to begin the dialogue that I consider to be the founding principle of this country.”
No problem…
I can eat all kinds of food from all kinds of places. I have proven that in my developing years.
In Quebec I ate sheep testicles. I also ate frog’s legs done in Orange sauce. I loved their brown beans and cinnamon buns.
I have eaten raw fish of all kinds. I love octopus.
I have eaten seal as well – cooked and raw in Labrador.
I have eaten snared rabbit in Newfoundland and partridge berry jam. I have eaten hard tack bread with the huge plate of fish and brewis… but by the preparation it was soft and mushy. And a number of times I ate with my friends on their boats on the Atlantic as we ate the Jigg’s Dinner… salty pork, boiled cabbage and potatoes… all stolen from some one’s garden and pork barrel on shore…
I have eaten boiled wheat in Saskatchewan – along with later cleaning out a mess of rotten wet wheat from bottom of a granary.
Why the big deal about food and what you eat?
Well lately the present GG of Canada is being roasted alive by the stupid press about her cutting up a seal and tasting its heart. Talk about a STUPID PRESS in Canada and around the world.
BUT – She, our present GG, hasn’t felt the rush until she eats the snake soup of my Chinese friends – swallowing the gall bladder of the snake whole while drinking the soup. I ate that in the winter time in Hong Kong – my friend said it would make me feel better.
The future rush I would get by having a host of TV Cameras rolling as I munched down on my dinner that particular day – would be great.
I could represent the Queen of England (– or the King of England – if that should happen next). Who knows what will happen by next year.
(BTW – Dear Elizabeth RR, my Queen and Majesty… I would love and am ready to help in this regard. Please accept this note from a loyal Canadian – via this Blog done in Canada. And if you don’t get on to the Computer often… I hope that your Office Staffers will pass it on to you soon… just so we can be ready – you and me. My wife and I would love to visit you at the Palace as well. We love antiques of all kinds.)
So there it is, done, on a Monday morning, June 1st, only six months and 24 days until Christmas 2009 – I am ready to serve my country and my Queen. Sheesh… I feel like a Knight in waiting for my Queen’s command.
In the mean time I need to get about some more practical business. Gardening, Doctor’s appointments, Volunteer at the Parole Office Business, Chaplaincy Business, Husband Business, Grandpa Business, Friendship Business, Wood Carving Business…
Come to think of it… I might just be too busy to do the GG stuff… but the idea of being watched by STUPID MEDIA as I eat… kind of appeals. Nope I have a decided – I am ready to move in 2010!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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