Michael J. Fox’s words read…
“There are things that I can’t do to the extent that I used to do or, in some cases, at all. But there are more things that I do that I didn’t do before. We sometimes see subtractions when we are ill. They are not just subtractions. I’m not me minus anything; I’m me plus this experience. Whether it’s good or bad is a subjective thing, but this has assuredly changed my path…”
Certainly words to ponder in most of our cases.
As many know Michael J. Fox became aware of his Parkinson’s Disease when he was 40 years of age. He continued to work in TV and Movies as he had done for years – without telling anyone. For seven years he guarded his secret. Then realizing that he had maybe five years of public work left he let outsiders know his secret.
I have been reflecting on his statement above over these past weeks. The thoughts have been many.
Today is the start of the second year of my Non- Pastoral Life.
Yesterday was the anniversary of one year since that “Last Lasagna Dinner” (I hesitate to say the ‘Last Supper’ but it felt like it)…
It was the day that I tried my best to smile for cameras and act like I was headed out on a fine new adventure… a really long holiday. I had spoken in the morning and then “celebrated” my being laid off and start of my unemployment adventure for the next months to come.
Wow – what a year it has been!
During the year I can say that it has been an adventure to say the least.
During one the special classes that I attended to help with the new role that I was entering, the instructor had asked us to write down three things on a file card that would indicate “My Goals for the next three months” – or “…in three months”. She gave us an envelope with a stamp on it. We were asked to place these Goals in the envelope, seal it and address it to ourselves. She collected them and kept them for three months.
When the start of the fourth month arrived I collected our mail and there was letter addressed to me – from me – in my handwriting.
I had forgotten about the class exercise of three months ago as I opened the letter to me from me.
There on the file card I read the following…
1. Complete the ground work for building my Personal Business.
2. Secure and stabilize a steady source of income.
3. Maintain a balance of Life I have achieved by now being unemployed.
This moment of re-reading the file card was about 5 months from the “Last Lasagna Dinner”. I was already heading into my Self Employed Benefits program and the possibilities of a future were within my grasp.
The three goals that I had listed were mine… or well on the way to being complete.
It has been an amazing year – with many ups and some downs.
I/We have been supported by some amazing people that stood with us in so many ways. At just the right time they called, emailed, FaceBook-ed a comment and some even dropped in.
There were downers too… a friend walked out on a commitment that kind of crushed hope for a week or so… then a brand new door opened that was ten times better than the original plan. For that I am so thankful – a huge stress that was unnatural and not needed in any way was lifted. WOW! At the time I felt super down and terribly hurt – but within weeks and specially now – I see the wonderful wisdom of God in my diversion from that situation.
I can say with great confidence… “There are things that I can’t do to the extent that I used to do of, in some cases, at all. But there are more things that I do that I didn’t do before. We sometimes see subtractions when we are ill. They are not just subtractions. I’m not me minus anything…” (Thanks Michael J. Fox).
I have tried to separate my new “Misty Hollow Carving” (see www.murraylincoln.com ) from another growing ministry as the two seem to conflict in some folks eyes. Well I cannot do that any longer.
The growing ministry is “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy” which puts me in contact with an amazing group of people that serve our province – our MPPs… Members of Provincial Parliament that serve in Ontario’s Queen’s Park in Toronto. I serve in a unique role of Chaplain to some amazing people. I connect with them and also with the supporting churches across Ontario.
I cannot write about all that I know. I do not speak about it either. I just know that an amazing group of people are being touched deeply by what God is doing in some very important places in our government of Ontario.
Further to this growing ministry of the Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy another door started to open in amazing way as well.
That new role is the one of a leading the “Mental Health Working Group for Ontario”. In this role I am entering perhaps one of the most important ones that I have ever done to date… that of carefully looking at, deeply caring for, and endeavouring to come up with some solid information about how the Correctional Services Canada is dealing with the Mental Health needs of men and women coming from the Federal Prison system. We are looking at what happens in Prison as well as what happens in the Community when folks are released to live on their own.
Just after the “Last Lasagna Dinner” I had been pretty sure that it was as good as over… life that I had known was never going to be there again. I was walking out of 35 years of wonderful experiences and great challenges mixed with heart aches of all kinds. It was called “Ministry” and it was over.
Little did I realize that it was just about to start – not end.
Today is a Brand New Day – the BND of Murray Lincoln’s life.
With Michael J. Fox’s help I finish this short Blog today…
“…I’m not me minus anything; I’m me plus this experience. Whether it’s good or bad is a subjective thing, but this has assuredly changed my path…”
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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