Today I want to honour Dads. Two Dads that stand out in my mind are named Bill and Bruce. What amazing men they are.
I first met Bill and Bruce when they were about my Grandsons Clifford’s or Jonathan’s age. Both boys were full of energy and spunk.
Both of these “boys” – married my daughters.
Now I apologize to both guys if I don’t get it exactly right before writing this note. I am sure that you will correct me – if this old guy is wrong or his memory is fading.
First account…
Bruce came from a family of four kids. He was number two in the line with an older brother and two younger – twin sisters.
As I write this today I am not sure which story to write about.
The one about Bruce and his brother placing one or both of their sisters in the dryer to give them a ride – round and round and round… could be one. Now I may have that story a bit twisted…
Or the one about him and his brother setting the field of grass on fire near the church his dad was the Minister at – may be another.
To understand you need to know that a busy minister’s family sometimes gets away with stuff that other families do not.
Now Bruce’s dad and mom were our close friends… and STILL ARE! I am not saying anything bad about Bruce…or his family… just commenting on the pieces of his life that I have gleaned over these years of listening and watching him. Ahem….
At one point it was decided that it would be good for Bruce to attend a private boy’s school. So off he went to the remote wilderness north of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Now it is not really that remote – but it is a long ways from Scarborough, Ontario!
At that school Bruce picked up the many talents and abilities that he owns today. His outdoorsman stuff likely came about with his extensive canoe adventures into Manitoba’s wilderness areas. His knowledge of Bees and Bee Keeping comes from working with the Apiculture in an Apiary of the school. His ability to snowshoe also came as result of taking part in this boy’s school.
He has no problem climbing on to a dog sled and “mushing” his team to victory across frozen tundra… feeding and harnessing and whatever else is involved in working with the kind of “trained wolves” that pull the sleigh.
He arrived at the school when he was 14 – the same age as his son is now.
The first thing they did was to launch out on a 350 MILE canoe trip. He had to borrow someone’s better suited pieces of clothing to take on this endeavour.
Later on he did 48 mile snow shoe race at 14 or 15 as well.
Bruce is amazing. He is a great dad and he is my friend… as well as being my son-in-law.
The Second Account
Today when I called Bill to wish him a Happy Father’s Day he wasn’t home. He had been out on a series of Baseball Diamonds that the kids play on… since 5 AM… trying to clean up the surface and repair the damage done by the big rains of yesterday. In about an hour he would be home to have breakfast with his four sons.
Bill never knew his father Bill personally. His dad was a Minister in a church in British Columbia. His dad died in an airplane crash in the mountains as he piloted the airplane up a canyon surrounded by mountains. As near as they can guess, a downdraft took the plane into the mountain side.
Bill’s mom was about 5 months pregnant with Bill.
Bill’s mom was helped by her parents Rev. and Mrs Harold Barnes to raise their grandson “Billy”. The Barnes became his parents as well as he grew up.
As I knew Rev. Barnes he was never an athlete or and out-of-doors kind of guy. His wife was definitely not – nor was his mom, Lois. Yet through the other men in the church that Bill attended he picked up all the right kind of stuff to help him survive in the great out of doors.
I am sure that men like Mr. Jim Crawford were the strength and example that was needed in Bill’s boyhood years as he grew up. There was also a host of other men that fit alongside to help Bill know what manhood and fatherhood was about.
Bill really came into my life when he was a young man just out of high school. I was the Youth Pastor at the church he attended. And through a number of church activities I came to know him.
The fact that I had another cute daughter helped to attract him into my life as well – I am sure.
Bill had heard that I worked with wood and that I was repairing furniture of all kinds.
One day he brought his father’s gun to show me the damage to the rifle. The rifle had been in the airplane that had crashed when his father died. Firearms experts had told Bill that they couldn’t repair the rifle stock that had been shattered from the impact. He asked me what I thought.
Before long the rifle was like new. You can hardly tell where the break used to be. It is a treasure that he and I share together… a moment when I think I adopted him into my life… long before he made his planes to marry my daughter.
As I watch him enjoy all the things that his dad once so much enjoyed, he now is a great dad to his four sons – enjoying it with them. Together there are enjoying the outdoors and the sports that they so much love together.
Bill is amazing. He is a great dad and he is my friend… as well as being my son-in-law.
If you can sense pride in what I write today… well you are correct in sensing it. I am proud of my “boys” – first the two of them – Bruce and Bill – my son-in-laws. I don’t want to wait until I am near death to say that.
I am also proud of my five other boys – my grandsons… Clifford, Jonathan, Thomas, Michael and Christopher… all great dads-to-be – someday. (AND I can’t forget Emma – who will be an amazing mom!)
Bill and Bruce – Happy Fathers Day!
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~ Murray Lincoln ~
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