Monday, May 11, 2009

Seung Hun Jung – Just Call Me “Bob”

It takes years to complete a Master’s Degree. Most everyone knows that. So why do they do it? Why would anyone put themselves through the years of hard work? I think the answer involves an inner drive to be better and also to be better prepared for what they will soon face.

There are a few that do it in a short two years of working at a break neck speed and almost overwhelmed with a work load that staggers your mind. The second group are made of others that because of their circumstances must take longer.

Mr. Seung Hun Jung is the second of kind of person. He has pursued his degree over a number of years. He just completed all the work that was necessary to achieve his Master of Divinity Degree in Counseling.

I should mention at this point that Seung is like a “son” to me now. He became my shadow about six years ago – and never left me. He has been and will be faithful to the end.

When we first met Seung was in his 8th or 9th year of study. He began his studies in Korea, then continued at the Eastern Pentecostal Bible College (now known as Master’s College and Seminary). Graduating from EPBC he then enrolled in Tyndale University College and Seminary – graduating just last Saturday, May 9, 2009.
On Saturday his walk across the graduation platform left a lump in my throat. He has finally completed all that hard work. Fantastic!

For years now…. Each Thursday from early in the morning until late at night he traveled into Toronto from Peterborough – about a two hour drive each way… attending classes all day and into the evening – then returning late in the evening to drop into bed exhausted.

Instead of taking a full load of every day classes he had to wait until Thursday when his class would be available – stacked up together. Then term after term the next class that he needed was offered… but sometimes having to wait for the next term to get the class that he needed next. Complicated sounding isn’t it. This method is sometimes called the “forever degree” – or the “Master of Eternity” (not Divinity).

Now we need to back up…
An EPBC(MCS) Bible College student needs to complete their studies by doing their internship with a community based ministry. In our case it was the Northview Pentecostal Church that Seung Hun Jung began his internship with. His friend Joseph Lee had introduced Seung to me and suggested that I might be a help to Seung. Joseph had completed his internship with me the year before.

Seung and his wife Eunice came to us with their small boy Juneau. This was a solid Korean family. Their ways were very Korean. The leap that they took leaving the Korean church to do their internship with us, an English speaking/English Culture group, was gigantic to say the least. Let me explain.

In the Korean church the pastor is a “supreme power” to say the least… of a much greater influence in leadership style than the English speaking/culture knows. (I must be careful as I write this – so as to not offend my Korean Pastor “friends”.)

Seung was well trained within the Korean Culture and Church… a model, up coming leader. Perhaps some day he will go very far in the Korean world of religious leadership.

Let me illustrate the day that our two different worlds met – and collided… causing Seung some deep distress I am sure… and making me wonder how this would work out.

When Seung entered my world he transferred his cultural patterns of his “home church” into my home church culture. He intended to become my shadow in all that he did. Our first day together was uncomfortable to say the least. He nearly drove me crazy in that he was just TOO helpful. There wasn’t one detail of my actions that he missed. Absolute and complete servant hood might be a good way to describe it best.

For example when I rose from my chair to leave my office I picked up my computer briefcase to head to my car. Seung quickly tried to take my briefcase and carry it for me. He was there to open the door for me… carry for me… and move into perfect rhythm of my life. He was my perfect servant. CRASH, Bang, Boom… I was not used to having my shadow do anything but be there… the shadow never once in all my years opened the door for me… never once tried to carry my heavy load. But Seung as an Intern was tripping over himself to anticipate my very next move to serve me to the best of his ability.

The day that I sat Seung down to tell him, “Seung, you are not allowed to touch my briefcase, you are not allowed to open doors for me, you are not allowed to serve me in anyway. That is the Canadian way. You are my fellow worker. I trust you will do the right thing…” – was the day that Seung almost had a melt down… I am sure. He looked at me stunned and said, “Why, this is what I do... In our Korean church I helped my Pastor in every way. How can I do this…?”

Eunice, his wife, was even more “accommodating”. She was the most selfless person that I have ever met. When she met my wife who was active in our church doing whatever was necessary to do – she was bothered by the bustle that Alida created wherever she went. She could not fathom that the “Pastor’s Wife would do manual labor things in the church. She couldn’t fathom that the Senior Pastor’s Wife would shovel snow outside the church door.

When the Internship was complete, the Jungs stayed in our church to fit alongside all that we did… to learn more of the Canadian way to ministry. They loved it and fit in very well.

The Canadian conversion of the Korean man took place while he and Eunice took part in a Canadian outdoor adventure – White Water Rafting. It may be the wildest thing that anyone will ever do – let alone a nice Korean couple.

A White Water Rafting experience requires that everyone follow directions. The guide that is in each boat calls out names to let the person know they should be doing this or that to keep the boat afloat and going where it should go.

When it came to Seung the guide was having a hard time getting his tongue around “Seung”. Seung then helped, “Just call me ‘Bob’…” From that minute on “Bob” became “all Canadian”.

Well that may not be entirely true. He is a “Hockey Nut” cheering for strange teams that never win. So fascinated with this sport is he… that I am sure that he chose his son’s English name “Juneau” – who was named after a hockey player that he admired 13 years ago.

One day during his Internship with me he was to come along with me on a arranged visit we were to make together. He didn’t show up for the meeting. Instead he called from the airport to tell me he was leaving for Korea at that moment. His father was failing very fast and he needed to go home. His father passed away and the next months were hard I am sure.

Slowly but surely I took on a new role in this family…moving from “Pastor” – the supreme power… to “Grandpa” and Daddy. Eunice has become a sister to my daughter Dana. “Bob” is my “son”.

When my “son” walked across the graduation stage my heart overflowed with emotion. I had a lump in my throat. That is my “Bob” – my Seung up there… see he is graduating and I AM PROUD of HIM!!!!

When my “son” walked across the stage I turned and looked at my beautiful daughter “Eunice”. She has not earned her Master’s Degree but rather faithfully looked after my two grandkids Juneau and Lina. I am so proud of her… she is a faithful wife that made this graduation possible. (In this photo Eunice as a supporting spouse is being applauded by the graduating class…)
Eunice we want you to know that you have earned your “PHt” versus the “PHd”. That is “Putting Hubby Through”… and I am proud of you. Other Canadian women in your situation might have committed murder at many points along the way that you have traveled… but that is not the Korean way.

BTW – this coming Sunday. May 17, 2009 – My “son” Seung Hun Jung will be ordained as a Minister at Northview Pentecostal Church. YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME.

Oh and another BTW – My “son” has just received his Work Permit for Canada last week as well. YAHOO! Sorry that is a little un-Korean of me to do cart wheels…

It has taken me 1532 words to say how proud I am… sorry. This could turn into a Thesis of its own. Congratulations Jungs!

You can see “Bob” – Seung Hun Jung walk across the Graduation platform at

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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