On this Blog I publish a wide range of stories and accounts. They range from serious stories to the lighter side of life… pretty much what happens in my world is my topic source.
Today I am asking the people of faith and prayer to read this posting carefully. and even if you don’t consider yourself a person of faith – I am asking that you think of Harold today – and appreciate what you personally have now.
This comes from my friend Harold Reid, who I have written about a number of times. His faith and his conflict have challenged me personally. Harold is a fellow pastor that is facing some very difficult days as he battles cancer.
The following post that he has made is from his Facebook Posting yesterday – picked up this morning.
I am asking that you keep Harold and Yvonne in your thoughts and prayers – wherever you might be in the world today.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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From Harold Reid
Subject: Update May 16-2009
Good morning praying friends!
One year ago today my day started at about 4:30 AM when I awakened to severe chest pain. The pain did not go away and about an hour later Yvonne called 9-1-1. The paramedics and other emergency response people arrived in a few minutes and then I was transported by ambulance to our local hospital. Before the day was finished the medical people had determined my chest pain was caused by blood clots in my lungs and that the likely cause of the clots was cancer. Over the next few days I had x-rays and CATscans which confirmed the diagnosis of cancer. It was determined that the primary site was a lesioni in my left lung, but that the cancer had metastasized into my bones and had spread extensively through my body and thus was incurable. The oncologist told us my prognosis was better measured in months than in years.
It has been a very different year for Yvonne and I. I have never in all my life taken so many pills, given so much blood, and spent so much time on medical appointments and treatments. I am thankful for the wonderful care I have received from the medical professionals. They have been compassionate and kind. Yvonne and our children and grandchildren have been so loving and supportive. Our congregation has been there for us. And the family of God around the world has lifted us uip to our Heavenly Father through prayer.
On Thursday I received my last chemotherapy treatment in a cycle of six treatments. On July 17 I will have a CTscan done and that will give some indication of what next steps will be taken if any.
Through these 12 months both Yvonne and I have felt to simply place my life and our future into God's capable hands and continue to trust Him to work out whatever He wants to do with us.
We are determined to give Him glory and honour whether it be by life or by death. We are convinced with the Apostle Paul that NOTHING can ever separate us from His love. His love for us will prevail, not just for time, but for ETERNITY! In fact, we are convinced that our experience of His love here is but a small token of what awaits us when we lay aside these dying bodies and are clothed with our immortal, incorruptible bodies He has prepared for us.
Because I value my family relationships and my relationships with God's wonderful people, I would like to stay in the dying body for a few more years. But on the other hand, if God's plan is to take me home soon that will be fine too.
Thank you for praying for us. I know that your prayers have supported us and helped us be strong for the journey. None of us have any guarantees for tomorrow, except that the ONE who has begun the good work in us will complete it until the Day of Christ!Colin Gittens was given a strong vote of affirmation (89%) by the membership of PPC. As long as my health permits, I will remain on the Pastoral Leadership Team in a support role. Yvonne has been asked to continue in her ministry role of Counseling an directing Pastoral Care. We love our church family and are glad that we can continue as part of what God will do through the days ahead.
May each of you be blessed and encouraged to simply trust God with your whole life. There is absolutely nothing to fear when you know your life is in His capable hands!
Blessings.Harold & Yvonne
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~ Murray Lincoln ~
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