Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Family Table

The power of the Family Table – WOW!

Unlike conferences that I have attended in the past this one was very different. The focus was family and what should and could happen with family. The title theme was “Family Matters”

Of course for the group of ministers and their spouse that have gathered this week at Deerhurst Resort in Hunstville – it means more. We together are a large “family” of people that share similar problems and similar victories.

We meet together every two years to share laughter and love for each other. Some of us of course “strut our stuff”, brag a little or maybe even a lot. It is a time to catch up on all that has happened over the last two years.

At this conference we have had the opportunity to meet people that we haven’t seen for at least four or more years. My how we changed!

The speakers and numerous presentations demonstrated how we care for each other, how we should chill out and how we deeply hurt with what has happened over the months.

Too much to share in a few words…

Alida and I are attending not as Minister/Pastor of a church – but rather a new category that someone coined just for us – “Entrepreneurial Chaplain”. The fellow that assigned me that name – grinned as he shared and waited for my comment. “Brilliant” was my reply. It fit perfectly.

As we demonstrated the products and the possibilities of what is happening in our life now – we were excited as the real evidence of what we are doing played out for others to listen to and see. The response that I received was AMAZING. Positive, possible and potential – YES! Simply… HOPE spilled over and over again.

One the side…
As many that read this Blog know – our personal focus is the Wood Carving – “Misty Hollow Carving” that helps us to support ourselves.

Well Misty Hollow Carving is now a major player in a larger arena of possibility and people – ranging from the Quebec Border through to Yonge Street in Toronto and all that lies to the east of Yonge Street as it runs north to North Bay.

Remember the Teddy Bears that I have completed in my new designs – well they have been launched BIG TIME. The price will soon go up related directly to popularity and appeal. $85 a piece will be the lower end – rather than the top end. These things are HOT… hotter than I ever dreamed possible. (NO Jessika and Vivian – I didn’t sell your Bears… but I could have 16 TIMES over!)

And we are still testing the market… WOW!

There is a happiness that spills over when you do what is right! And I know I have done it well. This week we have watched the amazing results – done very well.

This is Family … and family matters… and the Family Table is good to be sitting at…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

1 comment:


    LOVE Dana, Bruce, Clifford & Emma
