Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Glow in the Dark Bra

“SURPRIZE!” At that moment all of my grandkids jumped out of the dark room… and on top of it all they were glowing in the dark. I couldn’t believe it – I was there to help my daughter Dana with my Grandson Clifford’s birthday party as all his friends were coming over to the “Putt n Party” for his birthday party. But instead it was a SURPRIZE party for me, and a Party for Clifford and Michael – who both had their birthday’s near mine.

I can’t believe my wife got away with this. For weeks she has been acting weird – too busy to do anything fun – too tired to go out – staying up too late. I thought it was the “hormone thing” again. But behind the scenes she was doing dozens of things to prepare for this “happening”.

She got me!

A week ago I pushed her to go to Whitby and have a party with our whole family. That was a ball. We crashed Bill and Anda’s place with a turkey dinner. And we had a party. I found out yesterday that I crashed their plans that were already in place! Go figure! I started that the day I was born – 65 years ago. So what is new!!!?

Putt n Play
In Peterborough we have a great Birthday Party place. A newly renovated building has included an area that hosts an indoor Miniature Golf Course. The difference is that the whole place has the normal lights turned off. And the course is lit with “Black Lites” which makes anything white Glow in the Dark.

Getting ready to go my wife suggested that I wear a light coloured shirt – preferably white. She showed me that she was wearing a light coloured “beige” shirt and I should do the same.

I should have caught the clue that something funny was going on. Dana, our daughter, had asked me to come and take photos of Clifford’s Birthday Party… why should I wear a White Shirt as a Photographer?

Of course as we arrived I found out they had tricked me. But the trick was more on Alida… too funny.

In the dark with the Black Lites the colour beige doesn’t really show up at all. She could not figure out why she was a dull dark colour – while all the rest all stood out like shining lights in the dark.

But then she removed her Jean Jacket – Hokey Mokey! She glowed in the dark in ways that made the Grandsons all yell… “Woooie Grandma!” In one of the strangest apparition that the Putt n Party has ever seen… was only Grandma’s Bra moving around the room by itself… a Ghost Bra!
Here is the evidence – because I know that no one will believe me without it!
I have said it before with the quote from the Bible – “A merry heart does good like a medicine”… and does our family every have a merry heart.

47 years ago Alida and I together had so much fun when we first dated – I kept coming back for more. We dated for 5 years straight and then married 42 years ago in 1967.

I listened to the whooping and hollering in the dark yesterday, the grandsons and granddaughter having a ball. Then I heard the “Woooie Grandma” and I laughed a belly laugh. What a crowd of happy people!

It was good that we had the Putt n Party all to ourselves – because we partied long and loud. We have a MERRY HEART to say the least – and WE ARE GOOD MEDICINE for any place we attend.

But the party was not over – Alida had more planned. Next door we moved to the Chinese Restaurant where the sign outside said it all… “Golf Balls here… Chicken Balls here” with two arrows showing you where to go.

The Chinese restaurant was ready for us with a table booked for a Merry Heart Family to make as much noise as we liked to make.

This event turned out to be an “Alida planed party” for Clifford’s and Michael’s party along with a Surprize Party for Grandpa – AND HIS RETIREMENT PARTY TO BOOT!

They got me… I was speechless as the cards and gifts came! And YES I did get a Gold Watch! – that is a Crystal Watch with Gold letters and special mechanical clock…. WOW!

As we sat in our corner of the restaurant different people came by to congratulate us. There was a big grin on their faces as they approached. I didn’t think we knew them. But they were happy for us! How did they know? WELL IT WAS THE MERRY HEARTS CORNER that had turned that corner upside down with our laughter and fun!

I know – I know – you weren’t invited. If I had known about it – I would have invited you!

I know – I know – I should be more sedate and quiet and dignified – but it was my party and even though I didn’t know about – I decided to make the most of it! And I love a good party!!!!

I have promised myself that I will ALWAYS be FUN to be with. I refuse to let the joy in my heart go out – no matter how hard the old and miserables around me try to put it out!

When my kids asked me one time why I act like I do around their kids I had an answer… I said… “If I die tomorrow I want these kids to remember their grandpa as being the most fun ever. I don’t want them to remember me as an ornery old F@#&. This grandpa has a Merry Heart and believe me he has good medicine!”

And the White Glow in the Dark Bra…. Well that was FUN TOO! Woooie Grandma!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

Great Grandma Lincoln at 88 years old playing Putt n Party with her kids!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Murray--Sounds like an absolutely Smashing party--too bad we weren't there to join in.But I can just imagine how much laughter & joy came from your corner of the room.
    Way to go Alida!!
