Saturday, January 3, 2009

$200,000 per Year

Back to work… yuk! That is the feeling that I have heard voiced in these past few days. Kind of funny really… in that I don’t need to – if I don’t want to… work that is. This semi retirement mode is too cool!

The trouble is I have a NEW boss… it is time. It hangs over my shoulder now and waits to see what I will do with my potential of 2000 hours this year.

The average person works at their job for 2000 per year. Some that do more overtime or work longer hours will hit near the 3000 mark. Some I know do far less than the 2000… and nothing kills my spirit when someone else does nothing beside me… YUK!

Really 2000 isn’t much when I see that I only have 8760 hours until this time next year.

Now if I want to make a cool $200,000 this year I need only divide the money amount by the hours and that is what I need to charge per hour to make it. Hmmmm…? $200,000 divided by 2000 – that’s easy.. only $100 per hour… each and every hour.

But if I am making about $9.00 per hour that is $18,000 per year… and my total cost to live is way more than that!

Hokey Mokey! How do some people do it?

I spoke with a friend of mine about the heating costs this winter. We will be buried in bills soon as the cold weather and both of us are concerned how long this cold snap will go on.

On our local TV station there is an advertisement for the Local Bingo. The one add is almost comical. The lady won over $209,000 at Bingo. She states that she sits there at least 3 times a week. That is at least 150 times a year and maybe about 1500 hours per year… if she plays 10 hours a day. Which I would if someone said that my next game might win me $209,000 – wow!

There is an over concern for this area of our lives I am sure. But how can you not be concerned with everything rising in price?

The Bible writer tells me that I should cast all my care on God – because he cares for me. Okay that’s a deal Lord… here I come a casting.

God does that casting include all the things that I charged on my credit cards too?

This is a short post today. I need to head out to the garage and complete a $100 gift for someone. Unfortunately it takes a bit more than an hour to produce… more like 15 hours… oh boy!

So I have to run and make use of this next 10 hours… only 1900 or so to go…

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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