Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Value of One Prayer

What would happen if God heard you when you pray? What if you prayed One Prayer that could change the world – what would that prayer be like?

I know that is kind of like the Genii in the Bottle idea… you uncork the bottle and a powerful Genii comes out to grant your wishes. Or was that an old tarnished lamp that the person rubbed and out came a Genii?

Jesus was specific when he said, “If you ask anything in my name it will be done.” And then he gave the rider, “that the Father may be glorified…”
(John 14:13"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (New American Standard Bible) )

Now – what would happen if you were granted One Prayer each day that would make a difference? Who would you pray for?

Jeremiah 29:7 states..
"And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

Now if I would desire to change my world, make it better for me and my family – here is the key. I should pray for the country, the province, the city and the town that I live in… and while doing that pray for the Leadership. All of these areas are led by dynamic leaders… have you ever prayed for them?

Now if I pray… and God hears me… and I am asking that he would bless my Local Leaders and my Provincial Leaders… what might happen? I think the answer is simple – everything that that Leader takes on will be blessed. The whole city and country would be blessed.

In the Bible there is a powerful story of Joseph… sold into captivity… lives in a country that is not his own with very different people from his own. God uses Joseph to “Bless” this country and also to bless his own family.

As the Leader is blessed and the country is blessed – so is everyone that lives in it.

Turn that around and try cursing it… talk down on leadership and cast doubt… tear them apart… and the words that are spoke will take root. The same way that we can build up something – we can also tear it to pieces. But GUESS WHAT – when that happens everyone suffers… including you and me.

In my pastoral work I have witnessed this take place – personally and also to others.

One man hated me so much that he did everything possible to tear down my reputation. In so doing – some believed him and left with him. Another pastor told me the great difficulty that he had when a faction tore his life apart. Today he is not in the ministry at all.

Now I know some politicians that have experienced the same kind of thing happen. Nothing good was ever said about what he tried to do. Some of his greatest opposition was from GOOD Christian people. Today he wants nothing to do with GOOD Christian people! They destroyed his life with their GOOD Christian actions and rotten words.

Do you think that is God’s way of doing things? Not according to what He told Jeremiah to tell his people…. You are to pray for, bless, and seek the best for the country and the leadership.

What if the one prayer was one of blessing today for our leaders?

Now I know that you know that we are not limited to One Prayer. Instead we can have as many as we want and God NEVER GETS TIRED of our asking!

What if we started each day with a Prayer for our Leaders in our Province? How about our city? Or maybe our region? What might happen if we prayed and truly asked God to “Bless” these people he has given us to lead our country?

I think that he would grant that prayer. In fact I know that he will.

This Blog Posting is done today to help you catch a glimpse of what you could do to pray and see blessing begin from your own life.

I would ask you to drop by

It is a new Blog that is prepared to help you focus your prayer on special people today. Please make it a part of your daily prayer time – if you have that in your life.

You will see three LINKS on the top of the Blog – right side. Here you can click to receive a Prayer Calendar that shows all of our Ontario MPPs. One of the LINKS allows you access to a LINKed Prayer Calendar that takes you to more info about the MPP.

My desire to today is to see 10,700 people join me in prayer each day for our leaders.

How on Earth will that happen? You cannot be serious??! Yes I AM! If everyone would share this posting with some one… and would share the address of the with someone else…asking Millions to pass it on… we could see it happen!

Someone that reads this Blog regularly passes on FUNNY STUFF… one funny came my way this week… with a Kitten laughing… that was it… nothing more… except the snorting that the kitten does.

At the bottom of that Funny is a Sitemeter that tells you how many people have viewed the page… here is the stats from a moment ago…
Total 56,873,904, Average Per Day 204,155, Average Visit Length0:01, Last Hour 6,166. Today25,136 This Week 1,429,083

Did you get that 56 Million so far… WOW!

I am asking for only 10,700. What if 10,700 prayers were offered each day for each MPP in Ontario? What might happen? WOW!?!

Why 10,700? Well we have 107 MPPs in Ontario… and I believe we need at least 100 praying people in each area that they come from praying for them. Yep that is possible – very possible before the end of the week… or month… or year… or my life time…?!!!!

~ Murray Lincoln ~


Gateway Bible -;&version=49;;&version=51;

1 comment:

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