Monday, November 10, 2008

Moses.. Moses.. Moses..

What a difference a few days can make!!! I have been reading Moses’ life all over again. What a story to keep close to your heart.

Think for a moment about the day he rose to work again for his father-in-law and some really smelly sheep. This day would take him to the far side of the desert and close to a very unusual site – a burning bush that didn’t burn up… and that had a voice speaking from it – not just any voice but GOD’s voice. Not a lot of shepherds have had that experience that we know of. It was God’s way of saying to Moses – “You’ve got mail!”

As I though of that day again and have read over that part of Exodus it became real again. God required Moses to do some out of the norm things at that meeting.

First he listened… to a voice that no one else could hear. It is likely that his being at the far side of the desert indicated that he was alone. He drew near. It stopped him dead and turned him away from what his purpose was that day.

Second he obeyed… to the instruction that this was Holy Ground…take off your sandals. Any one that has worked on a farm or with animals will see something here that is rather odd. A cattleman or a shepherd knows one thing… where the animals are there will be Cow DooDoo or Sheep DooDoo… Walking around barefoot is not smart. Kneeling down is also not something that you will do reasonably.

After Moses objects or complains – giving his reasons for not doing what God was telling him to do (Please note God is not asking Moses if he was maybe interested in this new job – he was telling him what he would do!) – God asks another completely off the wall thing of Moses.

“What is in your hand?” was God’s question… “A rod”, was Moses answer. “Throw it down” was God’s command. You will have read that part in Exodus 4…it became a snake. Next God comes back with – “Pick it up by the TAIL!”

Any shepherd or cattleman KNOWS that this is a DUMB THING TO DO! You do not pick up snakes by the TAIL end – you get them by the head end and by the throat so they cannot strike. The Head is the business end of what you watch out for – and picking it up by the TAIL will help you notify the snake VERY QUICKLY that something or something has limited his movement – and HE WILL BITE!

I have messed with snakes more than once… and everyone of them has tried to bite me! “DUMB things that BOYS do” is where that one is classified.

On a desert – most snakes are the poisonous variety. And when you didn’t know what kind of snake it was you chose the worst category and stayed away!


Moses obeyed and it became a Rod again. No where in the Shepherd’s manual did it ever say – Rods become SNAKES – and conversely – Snakes become RODS!

I love this story of one DUMB Shepherd getting a call from God. God had an interest in “a-not-so-bright-shepherd” and knew his potential – even through the objections. But there was a small indication that God was not mused by this not so bright shepherd.

I say he is not so bright – because to stand in front of God himself and object is not so bright! Imagine getting orders from the TOP of ALL TOP Executives in your company and complaining/objecting to what you were being asked to do… before you even get the job!

Moses’ fear outdistanced his opportunity. God was saying – this is the way that it will be… and he is saying – God, that is cool but it is not for me.

I have been there and know exactly how a “not-so-bright” guy does things. Moses is me… me is Moses.

The third thing that is great to pick up here… Exodus 4 is a turning point on Moses’ experience. He has to turn around from what he has done for 40 years. He has to turn to a burning bush. He has to turn from logical things where he normally says, “But I have never done that – or I cannot do that” attitude. He has to CHANGE. And he does.

God has been working in me for a lot of years. I thought I had it all together. But I find today that Moses and me are pretty much the same. But I thank God that… GOD IS NOT ONLY PRETTY MUCH THE SAME – BUT IS COMPLETELY THE SAME… he still chooses people that the rest of the world wouldn’t… to do jobs that the rest of the world cannot or won’t.

For me that is HOPE!

Did you catch the heart of the ministry that he was asked to do? He was to go to Pharaoh and speak with him. For me that feels a whole lot like just another Queen’s Park, in Ontario - our Provincial Government. Wow!

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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Personal Update…
In July 2008 I made the announcement that a decision to join the Leading Influence Ministry had been made. We were delighted to work with this ministry. For four months I worked with this ministry helping raise awareness and funds in Ontario.

During this time the burden and the call of God upon my life was very powerful. Over and over again God confirmed this unique ministry within my life.

On October 29 I was informed that I would no longer be working in this role with Leading Influence Ministries.

However the call of God did not change with a call on a telephone. God made it clear that the dedication of our ministry on Oct 1st and Oct 4th by my close friends and co-workers was of his doing. He has not called to say it is over.

Instead a new ministry to elected officials has been launched following that announcement by Leading Influence Ministries. It is called quite simply, “Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy” and is serving elected officials all across Ontario at all levels. The primary goal is to work through and with churches in all 107 MPP’s constituencies across our province.

Leading Influence Ministries Ontario had a budget goal to raise funds each month. Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy does not. OPC is like LIM – both are a “non paying position”.

Regarding the $4400 plus dollars that were raised, all of it was deposited in the British Columbia Leading Influence Ministries bank account. From that amount I was given expense money to pay for the needed supplies that were used to do this work.

The money that was given will be receipted by the Leading Influence Ministry at the end the 2008 year. The money, I assume, is also being used in the promotion and advancement of Leading Influence Ministry.

I thank God for the time that I worked with Tim Schindel, President and Founder of Leading Influence Ministries. Working with this ministry has helped to clarify the call that God placed on my life.

Over this past week we have been in contact with many people that have reaffirmed the New Ministry of Ontario Provincial Chaplaincy. The ground swell has been amazing to say the least. This is a “Made in Ontario” ministry for Ontario.

In one meeting this past week I met a lady that was attending from Vancouver. Her response was very positive. She asked if there was anything in their area of B.C. that did the same. I was delighted to give her the Leading Influence Ministry name and recommend it to her.

To the Board of Leading Influence Ministries and to Tim Schindel, the President and Founder, I wish you God’s richest blessing. I thank you too for the opportunity to do the work with you for these past months.

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