On Wednesday, November 26, 2008, I reported having been following the case of Lori Drew and the Cyberbulling. Well the results of that trial are in. Lori is not guilty of the major “Felon” Charge which could have placed her in prison for over 20 years. Lori Drew, 49, from Missouri, was instead convicted of only three misdemeanour offences of accessing computer without authorization. Each is punishable by up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine.
But in the USA, in my opinion, she will likely become apart of a lengthy appeal process and so on. Time will tell if she ever sees the inside of a jail or pays one nickel of any fine.
I may seem like I am harping on one issue this week… BUT Bullying has affected all of us.
On Wednesday, November 26, 2008, India (and the World) suffered again at the hands of World Stage Bullying. You have been horrified along with me at the images flooding in from India and around the world as reports hit our TV screens hard. On report stated that this was India’s 9-11. In fact it is the World’s 2nd 9-11.
Reports are in today’s newspapers about the Canadians that have been killed. A Doctor by the name of Moss from Montreal is dead as a result of what has happened. The Toronto Star has a short story of how he makes a statement that he will be back in December if he survives this vacation.
On Wednesday, November 26, 2008, Dina Mehta in her Blog “Conversations with Dina” touched thousands upon thousands with her short reports. She was in the heart of the terrorist world as a social blogger.
In her Bio it reads…
“Dina is a founder and Managing Director of “Mosoci India”. With a background in sociology and anthropology she has almost twenty years specializing in qualitative research and ethnography. She is at the forefront of technology trend research in India and works with a global portfolio of companies; including learning journeys, and immersions for innovation teams. Dina brings her unique perspective to understanding the emerging social aspects of new technology and the impact of new media on youth and mobility.”
Dina is based in Mumbai, India and is actively involved in reporting up to date information, getting photos posted and keeping a waiting world informed.
In her posting on her Site – Nov 10, 2008 she is discussing “Measuring the value of conversations in social media engagement”. Then in Nov 15, 2008 there is another post about “Ethnographers and Bricoleurs”. The message of these posts is even more powerful in light of the events of Nov 26 – a mere 11 days following – when she becomes almost the command centre for the events that unfold in front of her!
Now having said all that… so what?
When you expose the Bully and make information about what he or she has done – it takes their power away. It exposes their hidden power over someone.
Maybe if the USA and others would have exposed Osama Bin Laden and his group before they took actions on 9-11 it may have been different? Maybe is India and/or others knew better the threat that they were facing by the Islamic Extremist of 11-26 – it might have been different. Maybe if someone reported what the USA and other major world powers are actually doing to really poor people……. hmmm?
Maybe if Ron and Tina Meier would have known what their neighbour, Lori Drew was planning to do with the fake boyfriend of their daughter – Megan would not be dead?
But hindsight is so much more powerful than foresight.
As a result of 9-11 and 11-26 – the world has now changed big time. Maybe in the case of 11-26 the change will be even more powerful. One of the largest nations is now under siege by the extremists.
I am deeply moved by the horror that I have seen and read about this week. I hope you are uncomfortable now as well. We need to do something about it – NOW!
I for one pray. I pray for those that lead our countries. I for one believe that there is a God that cares – and though really stupid people try to bully the rest into their way of thinking – God still cares. Sometimes they try to Bully in His name – and He isn’t impressed and made a Hell for that reason (but that is another of my “rants”)
I stand with the little folk in India today with a candle and believe that the world will change if we expose it.
If only I would have done that with the local bullies in our community – maybe it would have been different for many.
But then – I can start again and make a commitment to expose the bullies and let the light shine in.
Let’s start again!
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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