Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Goodbye to a Very Dear Friend

The news was hard to take. The thought of what just happened is almost incomprehensible. It can’t be – it just can’t be!

Dot Bell is gone. Dot is in the photo above - on the right - beside my mom.

After a very short struggle with her health she was admitted to the hospital and while there she had a massive heart attack. From the reports that we were given, she held on until her son Greig arrived from Watson Lake, Yukon. Her Grandson, Zach and Granddaughter Jessie also made it to her bed side before she passed.

Why would this matter to anyone reading this Blog today? It probably won’t for most. But Dot Bell did matter. Her life was one that has powerfully touched many over and over again.

She was our dear friend. For my mom – she was maybe her closest friend. When Dot’s husband Gord died, mom was there with Dot. When my Dad died, Dot was there with my Mom after all of us had left the area.

About 30 years ago Dot’s son married my sister. It was my very first wedding to perform as a Pastor. My little sister got married that day – the day that Dot Bell became my friend as well.

When the Saskatchewan Rough Riders played Football, there was no greater fan than Dot. The day before she passed away she called to tell us that the Riders had beaten the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic Football game. Dot was excited but at the same time told me how ill she felt. Something was wrong.

From that marriage of my sister and her son came two amazing kids, Zach and Jessie. Both are stars in their own worlds.

Jessie Bell is a beautiful young mom with the most gorgeous and fun filled daughter named Christina. Christina of course was Dot’s first great grandchild. There was no kid that could impress anyone as much as this one did Dot Bell.
Zach Bell, is our family’s star – having just completed his amazing performance in Beijing’s Olympics. Dot Bell was never more proud of her grandson as he represented Canada, the Yukon, and Dot Bell of Regina, Saskatchewan! All of our family was excited when he competed – but no one was more elated than Dot.

Today 1600 miles from the home of Dot Bell, my mom grieves deeply for her friend. It is the hardest part about leaving your home and friends over a year ago with her move to Peterborough, Ontario. The telephone is great – but it is not like being there with your friend… and for your friend. Saskatchewan is a long ways away from here.

There is a heavy weight in our home today…but we will get past it. Today we say goodbye to a very dear friend. But soon we will all see her again – you know it is that Christian thing that keeps us alive when someone dies so far away.

If you have some time over these next few days, please pray for Marion Nell Lincoln, Dot Bell’s close friend. She needs your help and love now.

~ Murray Lincoln ~

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