This will be a very hard week for the Beattie Family. Their Dad “Ed” is not doing well. It appears from the evidence that we have now – that he may well not be here by this time next week. They are hoping that he is alive through to his birthday this next weekend.
Ed Beattie is a fellow pastor that has being fighting cancer over these past years. I last saw him at a conference in Toronto. He seemed to be doing well. But since that time the advance of the disease has caused more complications.
Our District Superintendent, Rev. Craig Burton, has called for prayer for Ed and others on Mondays. Today is that prayer day again.
I came to know Ed as he pastored the church in Omemee, just north and west of Peterborough. We enjoyed the days together and the fellowship we had. He is my friend and brother.
This morning early as I reflected on all that his daughter told us yesterday, my heart goes out to them at this very difficult time. There are so many uncompleted details for her mom and the family. They have been run ragged with the ups and downs of everything that has happened over these past weeks.
What would I do if I was Ed…? That thought has filled my morning.
If I was Ed right now… I would be ready to die. And he is ready. If I was Ed now… I would try to encourage my family to not be sad because we will see each other soon – in relative terms to the time line of eternity… he has preached that and so have I – and we believe it.
If I was Ed right now… I would make these last days with my wife very important… I would give my kids a hug each time I see them… and let them hug me…
If I was Ed…
The reality that all of us are like “Ed” at this time. We are given a set amount of time. We don’t know exactly how long that will be. Every one of us is dieing to some degree now – our lives are slipping by and what we do with these last minutes is so very important. But maybe not all of us realize it.
Today has new meaning because of my friend Ed. Today I will live a little fuller and worry a little less. I am going to hug Alida better this morning after she gets up. I am going to try to say how much I appreciate every one of the people around me – that much more and more often.
It is my “Ed Day” and an adjustment of my attitudes and reflections about everything. Ed has ministered to me in ways that he will never know.
My Prayer…
God lift the Beattie family and my friend “Ed” today with one more wonderful touch of your presence. May they all be filled with a sense of Peace and Mercy as you move deeply. Father as Donna stands with Ed and their kids – may she truly know your blessings of being right there – very close. Dear God… I don’t really know what to ask you to do. Hold them close to you presence. In your wonderful name I ask it.
~ Murray Lincoln ~
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